HUILONG plate formed anchors are divided into Metallic Anchors and Ceramic Supports. The Metallic Anchors are designed typically for ceramic fibre and for light and medium weight refractories, again configured to provide maximum retention during plant service. The Ceramic Anchor Supports “C” Clips are designed to retain most standard pattern ceramic anchors (scissor clip types are available as wire formed)
Matellic anchors, Bruce type anchor, Swivel plough anchor,Plough anchor,Dan force Style Anchor,Folding Anchor,Cast-in Anchors,crook anchors, Brick Anchors,Bespoke Anchors,Mesh Anchors,out wall anchor cement cellar, anchor cement bar for line ,refractory cramp iron 、refractory anchor,combination bar for line Stain steel anchor . refractory steel anchor。
Hex anchor, termination strip, hexmesh hold down clip, corner Tab, refractory hardware, hexmesh accessories.
Export Markets︰ Widespread useing in oil ,chemical industry ,electric power factory's equipment