Rock fall fence, snow nets barrier
Rock Fall Fence,Avalanche Prevention Protection System,Snow Nets Barrier
Avalanche Prevention Protection System/Snow nets
Snow nets are flexible structures. When they are installed in avalanche starting areas, they form obstacles that hold the snow and prevent the mantle from breaking up.They are designed for installation on slopes varying from 70 to 120%. These barriers consist of nets made of metal cables held by stayed posts. The nets are triangular, with the base fixed to the ground by anchors.For powder snow, they can be lined by metal netting.The upper part of the net is held by posts, which are articulated at the base so as to adapt to the slope and distribute forces more evenly when the barrier is filled with snow. They rest on a plate.Nets can be provided for snow depths of 2 – 5 m.Metal nets are discreet and blend in well with the landscape. The system is lightweight, so that it is easy to supply, fast to erect and simple to maintain.Snow nets are installed preferably on rocky slopes. Their flexible structure is able to absorb low-energy rock falls.These structures comply with French standard NFP 95-304 or Swiss directives WSL / FNP.After having been installed for many years, snow nets prove their efficiency each winter, which has made them a favourite choice for avalanche protection.
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